"Haleh encourages us all to be ourselves and trust our imagination and thoughts.”
Natalie Fried, Vice President and General Manager of Dermapac Inc.
Haleh connects with groups like few speakers do, leading to lively question and answer sessions.
“Think Again opens doors for young minds and gives parents a jumping off point for healthy conversations about how children view themselves.” Holly Karpinich Lione, Curriculum Specialist NJ Association of Student Councils


There are public speakers for all manner of situations we face in life…personal and professional success, motivation, diversity, better parenting, better health, you name it! Then there’s Haleh Resnick. Whether you are an attorney, an author, a parent, an immigrant, or an “outsider” at school, Haleh Resnick can help you see things in a way that you’ve never considered before…because she’s been all of these things, and has a wide variety of perspectives for any group she’s speaking to! Read More

Why Book Haleh?

She's Very Engaging


Haleh Resnick is a compelling a speaker who engages audiences in lively question and answer sessions. Participation is a key part of her speeches.

She Can Speak To Anyone


Haleh can speak to parents about common parenting problems and solutions, she can speak to organizations about diversity, and she can speak to women’s groups about overcoming difficult obstacles. But Haleh’s focus is always on helping you do things in a new and better way.

She'll Inspire Your Audience


Haleh Resnick’s family moved to America from Iran during the revolution, and she had to learn English when she was just in third grade. She grew up to become both a teacher and an attorney.

She Accepts Who You Are


Haleh has heard people say, “You’re a conservative”. She’s heard people say, “You’re a liberal”. She believes a number of things based on her experiences, but the truth is, she believes in being a good person first…and she’s on everyone’s side.

She Makes You Think…Again


Haleh is an attorney, published author, a Jewish immigrant from Iran, a married mother of five, and a life-long educator. In other words, she brings a lot of perspectives…she knows how to see things differently, and she can help you think about so many things in a different way.


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