Interested in booking Haleh to speak at your school, your company, your parental or community event, or anywhere else? Reach out to us today to find Haleh’s availability, and ask about how she can help you and your audience Think Again!
For Speaking Engagements:
Jeff Resnick at Sherman Silverstein:
For Press/Media Inquiries:
For Bulk Purchase Discounts for Schools and Hospitals:
Sample Press/ Media:
- Visit Haleh’s Facebook Page
- The Coop Tank: Interview with Haleh Rabizadeh Resnick
- Immigrant Author Searches For New Perspectives
- Interview with Human Practice on
- Philadelphia Inquirer Interview About School Closings
- Haleh Quoted in Article in The Sun Paper
- Mom’s tenacity saves son’s hearing-
- Conversations LIVE with Cyrus Webb (audio)
- Inspirational Talk with Toneal (audio)
- Family Focus Blog: Five Tips on How to Discipline Kids
- An Excerpt from
- Mindful Living NJ Magazine
- Linda Weaver Clarke Interview
- Spotlight Profiler in The Jewish Voice