Allergies and Us.

Typical conversation between parents of children with food allergies: “Mom #1- I always feel bad about my daughter not being able to have the bday snacks that are brought into school because of her allergies and found a great solution- I’ve made a cupcake for her even better than what everyone else has. I was […]
Read More....When Do Children Become Adults?

There is no such thing as privacy for children. Experts today tell us of the critical importance of monitoring our children’s on-line lives (see Parents have apps on their phones allowing them to see every text sent through various medium and to confirm whereabouts. Parents check their children’s browser history to be sure that […]
Read More....Why Dogs Love Humans

Why Dogs and Humans Love Each Other More Than Anyone Else shares the long history of interconnectedness between dogs and people ending with a simple explanation for why we are so connected: LOVE. We love dogs. But is it love or changing morals? For sure dogs serve many of our needs. 44% of us own dogs- […]
Read More....What Did Barbara Bush Do Anyway?

Actual conversation I had on Barbara Bush: Me: “Barbara Bush passed away today.” Kid: “So, what did Barbara Bush do anyway?”, spoken with disdain. Me: Absolutely incredulous, “She was the mom and wife of TWO Presidents.” Kid: “She didn’t do anything.” Me: “What?!?! She raised the kid who became President and supported and gave vision […]
Read More....Words Are Actions: They Free Us Or Enslave Us

The words we listen to and use create our world. Words limit us or make our reality limitless. Tara Westover is raised to fear every institution: governmental or corporate including schools and hospitals. Her family lives in the mountains of Idaho. They are off the grid. Tara never spends a day in school. When her […]
Read More....Family First

I was recently struck by comments in an “allergy mom’s group” in which a mother leaves a family gathering. One mom asked if she was overreacting for taking her child home when her in-laws had a meal filled with her child’s allergen even though there was other food that the child could eat… after all, her […]
Read More....Family: Enjoy Them Even If You Don’t Like Them!

Family creates the foundation for who we are. We can never fully deny them because they make us who we are- whether through birth or love. So, what’s the best way to handle family we may not actually want to be around? Family is Foundation. Each of us is built by our family- genetic and not […]
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