System Efficiency: Freeing Us To Do Our Finest Work

System Efficiency: Freeing Us To Do Our Finest Work

We as a people have evolved over many generations and in that time we’ve tried to do our finest work, but does it really matter? As Ecclesiastes states in this passage “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 so, as mankind advanced, we went from hunters and gatherers to farmers. From farming to industrialization and from industrialization to the computer revolution.  Yet, in the end there is nothing new under the sun.  With each advance, some were left behind and others moved ahead.  With each advance, we gained time. Time.

What we do with that time separates those who will advance from those who will be left behind. We can choose to use that time to give to or demand for ourselves the space to learn new skills, to grow emotionally and spiritually, to create a better world. Or we can choose to use that time as our ancestral hunters and gatherers did… continuously trying to do our finest work, and end up working in a frantic mode to survive- a survival mode that breeds fear and factionalism.

There is nothing new under the sun but what we choose to do makes all the difference.

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