
You’re Not All That… But You’re Priceless

You're Not All That... But You're Priceless

What many parents say to all of their kids: “You can be anything you want to be.  You can be the President.  You can run a company.  You can be a famous actor, musician, athlete, scientist.  You can cure cancer.” But really, can we?  These are nice encouraging words and certainly every person should reach high.  But does every person have […]

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Echo Chamber: How To Get Out


We like hearing our own voice over others, like an echo. Opposites don’t actually attract or make the best mates. Though we all know many people who are attracted to opposites, it’s generally the case that for our personal lives, most of us like to be with another version of ourselves. But what happens when […]

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Leadership is a trait that every individual should have.  Some, will take their leadership to a communal level and be our next generation’s leaders; others will be individuals who lead by example, making our world a better place one good deed at a time. How do we develop leadership in ourselves and others?  It only […]

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