It’s Independence Day!

“Today we celebrate our Independence Day!” President Whitmore in Independence Day summarized it perfectly. When faced with an advanced life force hell bent on destroying earth, humanity unites to fight for our right to live. We say that art imitates life. And also life imitates art. The images, ideas, myths and thoughts we consume become who we […]
Read More....Words… Look Who’s Talking

Do we use our words with care? Words are powerful. They shape our thoughts. Thoughts shape our actions- good and bad. And so a pen is mightier than a sword. (Language Shapes Our Thoughts) Where does this leave us in an interconnected world? Many cultures exaggerate as a matter of fact. Americans are prone to […]
Read More....Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

Robert Frost wrote in the Mending Wall, “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall… Good fences make good neighbors.” As much as Frost did not like the wall that separated him from his neighbors, in the end the wall remained. Today, in America we are fortunate to live in a time when we are […]
Read More....Strangers, What to do with them

It’s said that how a person treats strangers is a true mark of character. There is no obvious benefit or harm with a stranger, as you feel effectively anonymous. Here’s a step by step to stranger interaction that we can all use. Notice Them. Look up. We all have our eyes on our phones, our […]
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