YOLO: The Misguided Outlook of Our Era.

YOLO: The Misguided Outlook of Our Era.

What misguided messages are we sending our children and ourselves? “The world is going to end anyway when I’m older.  We’re destroying the environment… school shootings… terrorism…no one has health care, people are starving… everyone is racist and sexist. We may as well drink and live it up when we can.” Tear down our governments and existing institutions because everything has failed us. But… we live in an absolutely golden era. These messages are making us and our children misguided in life, they prioritize doing what they want for the sake of “Yolo” where as we should be looking for future generations to continue living on this planet.  Enjoy Steven Pinker’s talk and take a moment to appreciate how truly and remarkably well humanity has done in making our world an extraordinary planet and home.

Feeling good? Keep on reading.. Gratitude Galore aka Thank You Movement