Finding The Right Match

Finding The Right Match

When you’re in it, it’s hard to figure. But in hindsight it’s pretty clear. Top ten tips to finding that right match.  What do you think?

    1. Be Yourself. Yep, that means you need to know who you are.   Don’t pretend you love the opera, if you’re all rock. Don’t pretend you’re the outdoors type, if you can’t be without room service.
    2. Don’t Come On Strong. It’s the air of desperation that hurts
      out here. You need to come from a place of strength. If your every move is because you think you might lose this one too… it’s never going to work
    3. Match Up Your Backgrounds and Futures. Sure it sounds a bit old fashioned. But let’s be honest, to travel the same path together, you need to be on the same road and be willing to travel in the same way.
    4. Go Stable- Not Psycho. Let’s put politically correct aside for a minute. The chase can be fun for a thrill but you can’t spend your life on a roller coaster. With someone stable, you can always reach out and do something fun. But with someone unstable, you can’t just reach out and find stability.
    5. Yes, You Need the One. Don’t give up. Sure we live in a time that anything goes but the truth is that a life partner by your side through thick and thin completes us in a way that doesn’t compare to an ever rotating dating list.
    6. Experience the New. Do things together that neither of you have done alone. How a person reacts when they are doing things they have never done before tells a lot about their ability to handle challenges, failures and change.
    7. Meet the Family and Friends. A person’s roots are their family. Who they think of themselves and want to be are their friends. You learn what they are made of and what they will be by hanging with your dates’ family and friends.
    8. Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses. Be honest and find that person who completes you not that person who is you. But then, be appreciative of what you’ve found and don’t demand that they be you.
    9. Impressions Count. Dress up or down as the occasion calls for but certainly don’t ignore it. We judge a book by it’s cover and that’s just fact.
    10. Six-Month Rule. If you don’t know you’ve found the right match in six months, move on. Or if you don’t, know that you may end up settling or spending time that you won’t get back.

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