First Impressions Matter: I HAVE ALLERGIES

First Impressions Matter: I HAVE ALLERGIES

Would you put a sign on your child front and center of what kinds of allergies they have? Apparently enough people would that this is a product sold by Target. On an allergy forum I am in, parents were so exuberant for this find. I just don’t understand.

The reality is that we judge books by their cover and a lasting first impression is made within the first 5 seconds that a person sees someone. Is the first impression that you want for your child to be- that this person has allergies? For me the answer is absolutely not.

Our entire country is in turmoil over the very basic concept that people judge others instantly over the color of their skin or their race. We understand how critical it is that we need to go beyond the physical. And we have to be honest and face the painful fact that though we will always work to go beyond the surface, the reality is that the physical matters.

By defining a child front and center by their physical characteristic, you define that child by that one physical trait and all the stereotypes that go along with it. Why would a person want that? We work tirelessly to show the world the various dimensions of our personality. We want people to see beyond the physical. And we know how hard that is. So, why put up a barrier and showcase your child’s physical medical concern? Let your child be a blank slate through which a unique personality shines.

Now, some would say that it is for the safety of a child who can’t speak up. I would say find people who you trust to leave your child with. Because in reality, you are also sharing your child’s vulnerably with the world. Your child’s medical information should be private. So, I just don’t get it. Why define your child by a physical trait?

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