
There’s More to Health Than Meets The Eye

Typically when we have a medical issue, we focus on our physical ailment and work to fix our bodies.  After all, that makes sense: the body is malfunctioning, so let’s fix the body.  But as human beings, we are not just our bodies. Science has now firmly established that our emotional and psychological outlooks and […]

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The Story Behind The Story

The Story Behind The Story

Dr. Swati Gandhi and I recently collaborated on Navigating OIT. This guide is designed for parents helping their children through oral immunotherapy or tolerance induction therapy. If that is something you are dealing with, this book is for you- from how to manage it from a parenting perspective to specifics on recipes and going through […]

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First Impressions Matter: I HAVE ALLERGIES

First Impressions Matter: I HAVE ALLERGIES

Would you put a sign on your child front and center of what kinds of allergies they have? Apparently enough people would that this is a product sold by Target. On an allergy forum I am in, parents were so exuberant for this find. I just don’t understand. The reality is that we judge books […]

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I’m Against ID Bracelets. How About You?

I’m Against ID Bracelets. How About You?

People love allergy bracelets for their kids. I don’t.  I think they do far more harm than good. But first, what is it?  It’s a bracelet that your child wears that lists all their allergens so that adults who interact with them will be aware of what can trigger a reaction.  (For those who don’t […]

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