
What About The Drinking?

What About The Drinking?

What stuck with me through the Kavanaugh #MeToo cancellation is that no one talked about drinking. Drinks are such an acceptable part of our culture that no one even dared suggest that maybe… just maybe, we should all do something other than drink with each other every time we hang.  We revel in stories of […]

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What’s Your New Years Contribution?

What's Your New Years Contribution?

With a New Year we generally think about our New Years Resolution. Exercise more? Be more present? Floss regularly? Eat better? Be a better spouse/parent/person? For the most part, New Years Resolutions are about ourselves- self improvement- how we can be better as an individual. Let’s switch it up a bit in this coming year. […]

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System Efficiency: Freeing Us To Do Our Finest Work

System Efficiency: Freeing Us To Do Our Finest Work

We as a people have evolved over many generations and in that time we’ve tried to do our finest work, but does it really matter? As Ecclesiastes states in this passage “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the […]

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Why Dogs Love Humans

Why Dogs Love Humans

Why Dogs and Humans Love Each Other More Than Anyone Else shares the long history of interconnectedness between dogs and people ending with a simple explanation for why we are so connected: LOVE. We love dogs. But is it love or changing morals? For sure dogs serve many of our needs. 44% of us own dogs- […]

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We Is Greater Than I


Our world today is filled with adventure and new greater ideas knocking on our door- but the truth is that most of us aren’t adventurers. True inventors, explorers and creative artists aren’t a dime a dozen. Yet, we all seem to fancy that each of us is just that. We are all basking in the […]

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YOLO: The Misguided Outlook of Our Era.

YOLO: The Misguided Outlook of Our Era.

What misguided messages are we sending our children and ourselves? “The world is going to end anyway when I’m older.  We’re destroying the environment… school shootings… terrorism…no one has health care, people are starving… everyone is racist and sexist. We may as well drink and live it up when we can.” Tear down our governments […]

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Words… Look Who’s Talking


Do we use our words with care? Words are powerful. They shape our thoughts. Thoughts shape our actions- good and bad. And so a pen is mightier than a sword. (Language Shapes Our Thoughts) Where does this leave us in an interconnected world? Many cultures exaggerate as a matter of fact. Americans are prone to […]

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Words Are Actions: They Free Us Or Enslave Us

Words Are Actions: They Free Us Or Enslave Us

The words we listen to and use create our world. Words limit us or make our reality limitless. Tara Westover is raised to fear every institution: governmental or corporate including schools and hospitals. Her family lives in the mountains of Idaho. They are off the grid. Tara never spends a day in school. When her […]

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The Sky Is Falling… FEAR!

The Sky Is Falling... FEAR

FEAR. In the story of Chicken Little we learn an important lesson about fear. After an acorn falls on Chicken Little’s head, Chicken Little assumes the sky is falling and runs off to tell her friends. She and her friends ultimately meet up with the fox, who cleverly takes advantage of their fear and eats them!  As […]

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Happiness Is Meaning

In this insightful TED talk Emily Esfahani Smith shares with us how true happiness is found.  Want happiness? Develop these four traits: Belong- Be are part of a community where you are needed. Have Purpose- Live a life of meaning where you know your purpose in this world. Transcend- See the vastness of this world and know […]

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