Play Ball!

We’re having fun now! If you haven’t heard, tech leaders worldwide are calling for a pause in development of AI systems. Check it out- it’s getting crazy. So, we now have ChatGPT and the like and you’ve heard- hop on or be left behind. But our tech leaders are saying – not so fast. The […]
Read More....The Power of Paper- Read All About It

I love the digital age. It’s the only reason you and I can have a connection at this moment. And for that I am so grateful. I also love paper. Hear me out for a second. People have many senses and touch is one of the big ones. The sense of touch allows us to […]
Read More....ChatGPT: Let’s Be A Step Ahead This Time!

ChatGPT. Here we go again! Can anyone keep up with the fast pace of technology? If you haven’t heard of this yet, go check it out. I can guarantee you that your kids know all about it. ChatGPT is an AI search engine that’s smart as heck. Just put in your essay prompt, ask a […]
Read More....Flex Work – It’s All About Control

Flex work, the ultimate, in control over our lives. Post covid, every person I talk to who can work remotely wants the option to do so, with coming into work only a few times a week. After all, we are professionals who can be trusted to do our work at any time. And what a […]
Read More....Let’s Think Again Together

If you’ve followed this blog through the years, you know it’s all about looking at all things life in a different way. Just because everyone is doing something one way it doesn’t mean it’s the right way or the path that works for you. With that said, sometimes there’s something to collective wisdom, that maybe […]
Read More....The Power of One

Do you want to be that one voice that moves others? We all want to make a difference, an impact, and know that we matter. We may not all have visions of leading millions to a new frontier but every person needs to matter and needs to be connected in order to live a meaningful […]
Read More....Life Is So Very Interesting

Each of us is completely different than another person. Frankly, we’re each different when we are with different people. Accepting and understanding that in life we are not all the same is something we have to remind ourselves every day and reinforce with our children and each other. Have you asked your kid to put […]
Read More....Live Your Best Life

In life you can be anything you want to be.” “You can get anything you set your mind to.” “Just do it.” “You can have it all.” We’ve all heard variations of these sentences and shown examples of those who have made it big against all odds simply because they set their mind to a […]
Read More....First Impressions Matter: I HAVE ALLERGIES

Would you put a sign on your child front and center of what kinds of allergies they have? Apparently enough people would that this is a product sold by Target. On an allergy forum I am in, parents were so exuberant for this find. I just don’t understand. The reality is that we judge books […]
Read More....Constant Updates

Constant updates in your Child’s life is a bad thing, If you have a kid in school… you will know exactly what I am about to share and for those who don’t… life has changed. Every parent has access to a password to go onto a site chosen by the school where you can get […]
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