What Do You Think?

Guns and Us

Guns and Us

With hesitation… I enter the debate on guns. The most upsetting aspect is that people have firmly planted their feet...
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Family First

Family First

I was recently struck by comments in an “allergy mom’s group” in which a mother leaves a family gathering.  One mom...
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Leadership is a trait that every individual should have.  Some, will take their leadership to a communal level and be...
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Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

Robert Frost wrote in the Mending Wall,  “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall… Good fences make good neighbors.”...
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Happiness Is Meaning

Happiness Is Meaning

In this insightful TED talk Emily Esfahani Smith shares with us how true happiness is found.  Want happiness? Develop these four traits:...
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Snow Day

Snow Day

Graceful kiss of white snow – blanketing all our lives Gentling covering all in sight – a peaceful silent whisper…...
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Gratitude Galore aka Thank You Movement

Gratitude Galore aka Thank You Movement

So, when this whole business of gratitude became the rage of mental health and social media, I agreed with its...
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What Happened to Simple Kids’ Birthday Parties?

What Happened to Simple Kids’ Birthday Parties?

Just read this thought provoking article asking…What Happened To Simple Kids’ Birthday Parties Kate Casey wants us to go back to...
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I’m Against ID Bracelets. How About You?

I’m Against ID Bracelets. How About You?

People love allergy bracelets for their kids. I don’t.  I think they do far more harm than good. But first,...
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I Need A Drink Now!

I Need A Drink Now!

Someone needs to explain to me why parents of kids say the following in front of them: “I can’t wait...
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Is Your Allergic Child Disabled?

Is Your Allergic Child Disabled?

Regardless of how you answered that question, it is a fact that many parents with children with allergies treat their...
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Let’s Stop Oversensitivity

Let’s Stop Oversensitivity

Enough with oversensitivity. I recently read an article about what not to say to a pregnant or new mom. The...
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Do We Have Freedom of Thought?

Do We Have Freedom of Thought?

When we first went on-line, we all thought that we are entering an information age which will give us all...
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Pets and the People Who Love Them

Pets and the People Who Love Them

Love Pets?  Hate Pets?  Either way you have to deal with them.  They are part of our world.  So, here’s...
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The Nose Picker

The Nose Picker

Six of us were in a room waiting for a meeting to start and one of the women in the...
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Picky Eaters and the Parents Who Make Them

Picky Eaters and the Parents Who Make Them

“He’s just a picky eater. He only likes cheerios but you have to give it to him in a plastic...
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Carpet Cleaned & Responsibility

Carpet Cleaned & Responsibility

Our two year old had an accident on the carpet at a friends birthday party, we cleaned it up.  We...
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How Are You With Things?

How Are You With Things?

Here’s the way to have a proper relationship with things in your life. How do you stack up to this...
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